Doggy Daycare
Day care is for Dogs Only
The Doolittle Pets day care service is a day filled with fun and excitement for your Dog.
The day includes a walk, a meal (must be provided by the owner) & a session of fun and games.

Image Slide Gallery
This is a Slide Gallery Showing Images of The Dogs In The Doggy Day Care.
Click Arrows to View the Others.
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Doolittle Doggy Daycare Terms and Conditions
All dogs must be registered with Doggie Daycare.
Only dogs considered to be well socialised, who enjoy the company of other dogs and people, are suitable for joining Doggie Daycare.
Please note that not all dogs are suitable.
All dogs will be assessed and interviewed along with their owners.
Dogs with behaviour or aggression issues will not be accepted.
All male dogs over the age of 9 months must be neutered.
Female dogs who come into season will not be able to attend Doggie Daycare for the duration of their season (2 – 3 weeks).
All dogs accepted must have an up-to-date vaccination certificate including kennel cough.
All dogs accepted require to be wormed and de-fleed regularly.
In the unlikely event of your dog being involved in an accident or in an emergency, Doolittle Doggie Daycare will take your dog to Vets for Pets in Prestwich.
Puppies from 12 weeks are welcome – please discuss this with your vet.
All dogs in our care wear our collars with our I.D. tag which are supplied by Doolittle Doggie Daycare.
Occasional dogs will be invoiced in advance – payment is due on receipt of invoice.
Regular dogs will be invoiced in arrears at the end of the month, payment is due on receipt of invoice.
If no payment is received Doolittle Doggie Daycare reserve the right to refuse your dog and will contact you to inform you of this.
Doggie Daycare will not accept responsibility for the death, injury or illness of your dog. You are strongly advised to insure your pet for all eventualities.
Doggie Daycare reserves the right to refuse, or terminate the contract of any dog or owner who displays aggressive, destructive or unreasonable behaviour.